Interpreting and Translation Studies


  • The certificates program allows students to reach their career goals in a more flexible, customized manner, and is ideal for students who are not able or ready to commit to full-time graduate study but who would like to focus on an area of interest.
  • The program offers three Graduate Certificates and one Postgraduate Certificate in specialized areas.
  • With the approval of the Graduate Committee, credits from a certificate program may be transferred to a graduate degree program to meet the requirements of the Master of Arts Degree. Transferred credits may not be duplicated for certificates and the MA.

Duration and course requirements

Students are required to complete 5 courses (15 credit hours) within four consecutive semesters, and can start either in the fall or in the spring (no summer courses). In general, instruction takes place on campus.

Admission requirements:

  • Requirements are the same for the Master of Arts and the Certificate programs. Please visit our admissions page for more information.
  • In addition to the requirements for the graduate program, the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching of Interpreting requires an MA, MS or MBA degree and proven interpreting experience.
  • Please see certificate-specific language requirements at the bottom of this page.


Language combinations currently being offered: Spanish/English


I. Graduate Certificate in Interpreting Studies – Language specific – Spanish
Core Courses (9 hrs)

  • Applied Interpreting Studies (TIS 731, 3 hrs)
  • Discourse Organization and Interpreting (TIS 735, 3 hrs)
  • Spanish-English Interpreting (language specific) (SPA 682, 3 hrs)

Elective – two of the following (6 hrs)

  • Sociolinguistics and Dialectology (LIN 610, 3 hrs)
  • Organizational Behavior and Interpreting  (TIS 736, 3 hrs)
  • U.S. Landscape: Systems, Culture and Norms (TIS 760 3 hrs)

II. Graduate Certificate in Translation Studies – Language specific – Spanish
Core Courses (12 hrs)

  • Applied Translation Studies (TIS 733, 3 hrs)
  • Contrastive Spanish/English Grammar and Stylistics (language specific) (SPA 624, 3 hrs)
  • Spanish Translation (language specific) (SPA 681, 3 hrs)
  • Localization and Terminology (LIN 683, 3 hrs)

Elective – one of the following (3 hrs)

  • Sociolinguistics and Dialectology (LIN 610, 3 hrs)
  • Language Use and Technology (LIN 680, 3 hrs)
  • Discourse Organization and Interpreting (TIS 735, 3 hrs)

III. Graduate Certificate in Intercultural Services in Healthcare 
Core Courses (12 hrs)

  • Health Communication: Patient-Provider (COM 656, 3 hrs)
  • Applied Interpreting Studies (TIS 731, 3 hrs)
  • Organizational Behavior and Interpreting  (TIS 736, 3 hrs)
  • Localization and Terminology (LIN 683, 3 hrs)

Elective – one of the following (3 hrs)

  • U.S. Landscape: Systems, Culture and Norms (TIS 760 3 hrs)
  • Sociolinguistics and Dialectology (LIN 610, 3hrs)
  • U.S. Heritage Speakers and Bilingualism TIS 734 (3 hrs)

IV. Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching of Interpreting 
Core Courses (12 hrs)

  • Applied Interpreting Studies (TIS 731, 3 hrs)
  • Methodology of Teaching Interpreting (TIS 732, 3 hrs)
  • Discourse Organization and Interpreting (TIS 735, 3 hrs)
  • U.S. Heritage Speakers and Bilingualism (TIS 734, 3 hrs)

Elective – one of the following (3 hrs)

  • Health Communication: Patient-Provider (COM 656, 3 hrs)
  • Contrastive Spanish/English Grammar and Stylistics (language specific) (SPA 624, 3 hrs)
  • Spanish-English Interpreting (language specific) (SPA 682, 3 hrs)

Note: not all elective courses are offered every year.

Language requirements:

  • Graduate Certificate in Interpreting Studies and Graduate Certificate in Translation Studies
    These are language-specific certificates. Strong foreign language competency required. Applicants without a college or high school degree from another country are required to take a language proficiency aptitude exam or oral interview in their non-native language.
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching of Interpreting:
    Strong foreign language competency and proven interpreting experience are required. However, this is a non-language-specific program and is open to candidates with any language combination. Courses are held in English.