Interpreting and Translation Studies

ITS Faculty, Alumni and Students Continue to Interpret for Harvard China Education Symposium 2021

ITS Faculty, Alumni and Students Continue to Interpret for Harvard China Education Symposium 2021

Recognized as the sole simultaneous interpreting service provider, the ITS program provided remote simultaneous interpreting service for the 2021 Harvard China Education Symposium (CES) for the second time on April 9-11, 2021. This year’s theme is “Embrace Uncertainty and Refine the Future: Empowering Education in China.”

Seven alumni (Hongyu Lu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Tong Wu, Michelle Zhan, Chentao Peng, Yuzhu Zhang and Wei Zhu), two graduate students (Lu Ma and Mengmeng Shi) and Dr. Xijinyan Chen interpreted for all the six panels, four keynote speeches and three special events between English and Chinese. About 77 renowned experts and scholars in education from China and the U.S. were invited and more than 70 thousand viewers watched the live stream of the Symposium.

The organizing committee, panel directors, and viewers expressed their appreciation for the support and assistance the ITS interpreting team provided and said that “the success of the Symposium would not have been possible without the input of the ITS program.”

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Image 1: A screenshot of a WFU GS logo shown in an ongoing Zoom panel. The panel director was announcing that the simultaneous interpreting service was provided by ITS.
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Image 2: Five ITS interpreters were at work, interpreting for Mr. Minhong Yu, the founder and president of New Oriental Education and Tech Group Inc., who is known as the “Godfather of English training” in China.